by Nick Lennon-Barrett
1 February 2022
Eric hated these evenings. Perhaps hate was too strong a word. He deeply resented these evenings. Yes, that was better. Given he was now in his mid-thirties, these evenings were becoming the norm. Another birthday celebration with his friends, and yet another reminder that he was the only single person left in the group. Some of them had kids that were already in school. Not that he wanted kids. His dream was to have a fabulous house, with several relaxing holidays a year. Kids did not mix with ‘nice’ or ‘relaxing’ and he was good with that. He just needed to find someone with the same mindset. This birthday celebration was different. It was Gordon’s birthday. Gordon was always someone Eric could rely on to join him on the singles bench. Unfortunately, Gordon had moved over to the dark side. He’d gone on a fitness journey and bagged himself a boyfriend. They were in that annoying early phase of a relationship when they feel the need to show just how much in lust they were with each other. “Eric, are you seeing anyone?” asked Gordon with a smirk. The vicious bitch! “No, still enjoying the single life.” “Oh, when did you last get laid?” “Two days ago!” There were still some perks to being single. There were screams from the rest of the group as they asked for details. It was a bizarre situation. Eric wanted to be his friends, yet some of them had been in their relationships so long, they were trying to live vicariously through him. All except Gordon, who was still loved up and seemed pissed that his attempt to humiliate had backfired and moved everyone’s attention to Eric. Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad evening after all. The next morning, Eric was nursing a hangover. It had been a late one. Why he had drunk so much on a school night was a question, he would ask himself all day. He just knew work was going to drag. His phone rang. It was Reception. “Hi, Becky.” “Hi, Eric, something’s gone wrong with the check-in portal. We’ve got someone here for an interview and I can’t check him in. Can you come up and sort it?” “On my way.” He put the phone down. This would get him away from his desk for a while. The reception was only two floors up, but he was mindful of his limitations today, so took the lift. The doors opened to the reception. It was where his company had spent the money. It was like those hotels which have a dramatic and opulent lobby, only for the rooms to have a sleazy motel feel to them. Not that the offices here were like that. It was just clear that the big bosses had wanted to make a statement with the first impression people had of the company. A very handsome man immediately grabbed Eric’s attention. He was all suited and booted, waiting at the reception. Becky was behind the desk and waved when she saw him. She looked stressed out. Eric knew he had taken ‘dress down Friday’ too literally today. He was broadcasting the IT nerd stereotype look today. Avoiding any eye contact or small talk with the handsome stranger, Eric walked behind the reception desk. Becky jumped up so he could take her seat and investigate what was happening. “Thanks for coming up so quickly, Eric.” “No problem. Have you tried rebooting it?” “Yep, no joy.” “Okay, give me a minute.” Eric opened the settings menu, ran a quick diagnostic, and spotted the problem straight away. That was disappointing. He had hoped he could be away from his desk for longer. “There you go, all fixed.” “You’re a star. I’ll buy you a drink later.” “Maybe next week. Quiet one for me after last night.” Becky laughed. The handsome stranger smiled. Eric’s stomach lurched. Possibly caused by that killer smile, or the previous night’s indulgences; probably a mix. Eric stood up, so Becky could check in the visitor. “Eric, do you mind waiting here whilst I get the meeting room ready?” “No worries.” “Thanks, you can keep Zach company.” Becky dashed off, leaving Eric with Zach. Of course, his name was Zach. There was an awkward silence. Eric wasn’t sure what to say to the guy. He couldn’t even look him in the eyes, or he’d just start blushing. It would be even more pronounced today as the bright red would clash with his grey hungover pallor. “So, you’re Becky’s hero?” Oh great, he wants to talk. “Is that what she said?” “Yes, she said if anyone could fix things straight away, it would be Eric.” Eric smiled, which Zach reciprocated. Eric could feel his cheeks flushing. “Who are you here to see?” “I’m here for an interview with the Legal team.” That was interesting. It meant he was clever, and the Legal team were on the same floor as Eric. That was the important part. “Is it your first interview?” “Second.” “Oh well, good luck. It’s a great company.” “I’ve heard. Are the Friday night drinks the norm?” “Yes, although not for me this week.” Zach laughed. It was a soft laugh, but it lit up his entire face, making him look even more handsome. “Your face is familiar,” said Zach. Oh god. That was never a good thing. “Are you on the company’s diversity network?” “Yes, I am.” That was a relief. “It’s great that you have one. It’s one of the many things that attracted me to this company.” Eric was about to respond when Becky walked back in. “Zach, do you want to come with me?” “Nice to meet you, Eric,” he said, shaking his hand. “If I get the job, I look forward to buying you a drink one Friday evening.” Eric wasn’t sure what to say to that, so just smiled again. No doubt he had come across as some grinning idiot. *** On Monday morning, Eric felt a lot better. He’d had a quiet weekend, which had refreshed him. He was getting a coffee in the kitchen when he saw his colleague from the Legal team. Eric made a bit of small talk and then got to the point. “How’s the recruitment going?” “Good, we’re going to offer today.” “That’s great.” “Yes, it’s taken ages. Hopefully, she’ll accept.” Bollocks! Later that morning, he was chatting to Becky on Reception, who had confirmed that his name was Zach Peterson. That was all she knew. Eric spent lunchtime stalking Zach on social media, although he had little luck. Apart from LinkedIn, his social media profiles were restricted. He needed to find out more about this guy. He only knew where he currently worked, but given he was looking for another job, that could end soon. He couldn’t deny his attraction to Zach. He had felt a vibe between them, but there was also an attraction about being able to rub it in a certain person’s face at the next group gathering. Back at his desk, he realised he could find out more about Zach, as he had unrestricted access to all the confidential files. Could he do something like that? He couldn’t. No matter how attractive someone was, or how jealous he was of his friends. He still had some ethics and integrity, and they weren’t worth compromising for any man. Depressed, he got on with the rest of his day. *** It was Friday evening, and Becky wasn’t taking no for an answer. He wasn’t in the mood for drinks. He’d been feeling blue all week, like a lovesick puppy. It was ridiculous, and he needed to pull himself together and start acting his age. Her persistence had caused him to relent, telling himself he’d only have three drinks. Saying you’ll only have one was just pointlessly lying to yourself. He also owed her, as she had put up with his moaning about Zach all week. He walked out of the office. She was waiting for him. She linked his arm and steered him in the opposite direction of the pub which his colleagues frequented every week. “Where are we going?” “I thought we could go somewhere else. Maybe join the others later.” He liked that idea, although that would make it harder to slip away early. “You okay?” she asked. “Yeah. Just need to shake it off. It’s only a crush.” “I can’t blame you. He was rather delicious.” He nodded his agreement. “And such a lovely guy as well. I meet people all day and I know when someone is an amazing person.” “Why don’t you just keep pouring salt in the wound.” She laughed. “We’re here.” It was a bar he didn’t recognise. It was busy with the typical Friday night rush, but it not too crowded. She unlinked his arm as they entered, and he followed her as she walked towards the bar. As they approached the bar, it shocked him to see Zach there. It couldn’t be a coincidence, and he knew it wasn’t when he smiled and waved at Becky. They approached and Zach proffered his hand. Eric shook it, thankful that he dressed better this Friday. “Right, I’ll leave you boys to it.” “What?” She leaned in to kiss his cheek. “He’s called me three times this week, asking about you. You know where I’ll be if you need me, but hopefully you won’t.” She smiled, waved at Zach, and left. Eric wasn’t sure what to say. “Can I buy you that drink?” asked Zach. Eric nodded. Maybe this wouldn’t turn out to be such a terrible week after all.